
If you are having an Emergency please

call 911 NOW


If you want to have a controlled burn please call 405-878-8706

The Pink Volunteer Fire Department was established in 1977 by a group of concerned citizens that knew they could help the community. They were totally funded by donations and fundraisers. The department has come a long way from building fire trucks in firefighters' front yards to where we are today. It was all done on the backs of great volunteers over the years. It has also been a big help receiving the one cent sales tax from Pottawatomie County.

We have a six bay station with a small meeting room. We have two wild fire trucks, one rescue/wild fire truck, one standard 2,000 gallon tanker, one all-wheel drive 2,500 gallon tanker and one 2,500 gallon engine.

We also run medical calls as a light rescue unit.

We hold our monthly meetings at the Fire station located at 30897 Sandy Rock Road on the first Sunday of every month starting at 5:30 PM.

We are always looking for new volunteers that want to join our team and make a difference in the community.

     Ways you can help us help you.
     1. Make sure your address is at the road and visible.
     2. Make sure your driveway is clear enough and turns are big enough so that we can get the fire equipment
         there to help.
     3. Keep a clear path around your property so if a wild fire is approaching your place we have a fighting chance to stop it.
     4. Know where your septic tank and the drain field are. Make sure you inform arriving firefighters to stay clear of that area.
         Our trucks can damage them.

     Some answers to common questions.
     1.  Our insurance ISO fire rating is 9/10.
     2.  We do not fill pools.
     3.  We do not get cats out of trees.
     4.  We do not have free smoke detectors at this time.

Did you know that if a fire starts in your home you may have as little as two minutes to escape? During a fire, early warning from a working smoke alarm plus a fire escape plan that has been practiced regularly can save lives.

   1.  Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas.
   2.  Test smoke alarms every month. If they’re not working, change the batteries.
   3.  Talk with all family members about a fire escape plan and practice the plan twice a year.
   4.  If a fire occurs in your home, GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL FOR HELP. Never go back inside for anything or anyone.

Fire Chief Rob Van Liew
Assistant Chief Vacant
Captain Danny Coker

Any Questions??  Email